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Anti Plagiarism Policy

Nerd Apply provides a way for applicants to data-mine for essay inspiration, but we DO NOT tolerate plagiarism. Copying Profile materials is strictly prohibited and you run the risk of getting rejected from all schools you apply to.

Nerd Apply is granting university admissions offices complete, open access to our database of essays. Many universities utilize plagiarism software, including TurnItIn for Admissions, to flag for plagiarized essays, and they can use this software to check against all essays Users have shared on our site. Some admissions offices go the extra step of contacting high school guidance offices as well.

Plagiarizing can result in dire consequences, including getting rejected and black-listed at all schools or getting expelled if the act of plagiarism is discovered after you are already admitted. (Harvard, for example, rescinded an offer given out to an applicant after it was discovered that she plagiarized portions of articles she had written for a newspaper in high school -- it wasn't even her admissions essay!) So, we can't stress enough: Do NOT plagiarize!!

Likewise, our anti-plagiarism policy also applies to our Admitted Student Profiles uploading information to our site. By creating a Nerd Apply profile, you certify that any information you upload to profile is your own original work and that you own the intellectual property rights to the content.

Now, with that warning out of the way, we hope you find Nerd Apply an informative and inspirational tool to navigate the admissions process. Good luck!

If you are a university admissions officer and would like to gain access to our essay databank, please email us from your university email at Thank you!

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